LTC John Zdeb

LTC John Zdeb

Assistant Professor

Department Executive Officer


LTC John Zdeb is originally from Schaumburg, Illinois and enlisted in the Army in 1997. After serving as an infantryman at Fort Bragg he attended USMAPS and commissioned from West Point as an Armor officer in 2004. He served for five years at Fort Stewart in multiple company grade positions from platoon leader to command of two companies and deployed twice to Iraq. LTC Zdeb attended and earned a MA in history from the University of Kansas and taught military history at West Point from 2013-2015. Following completion of CGSC at Fort Leavenworth, he served for 3 years at Fort Carson as the 4ID MCE G3, a tank battalion executive officer, and as a cavalry squadron S3 and deployed to eastern Europe and Kuwait. Prior to returning to West Point, LTC Zdeb served as the J33 Director for NSOCC-A/SOJTF-A in Kabul. He currently serves as the Department Executive Officer and teaches various courses in military history.

Ongoing Research Projects

Recovering the Initiative: How Westmoreland, DePuy, and Starry Drove Institutional Reform in the Post-Vietnam Army: Ongoing revisions with co-author R.Z. Alessi-Friedland for potential publication as a Leavenworth Papers

Publications & Presentations

Restoring the Shield: Westmoreland and the Recovery of Military Professionalism, MMAS Thesis at Command and General Staff College, 2016

Co-author of Flames of War: Decision-Making in the Shenandoah, eBook for HI301: History of the Military Art, West Point, 2014

“Task Organizing a Heavy Brigade Combat Team to Achieve Full Spectrum Dominance in Any Environment”, Jan/Feb 2011 of Armor Magazine